Fault Codes

Below is a list of systems commonly found in A2s (including swapped engines), with instructions on how to diagnose and code readout tables for each system.


1985-1989 Jetta GLI and GTI, including 16v


1990-1992 GTI, Jetta, Passat

Digifant I

1990-1992 Golf and Jetta, California

Digifant II

1987-1992 Golf and Jetta

Digifant I (G60)

Common swap engine, used in the 1990-1992 Corrado and Passat


Common swap engine, used in 1992-1995 Corrado and Passat.


Optional on 1989-1992 Jetta Carat and GLI 16v, 1990-1994 Corrado and Passat.

All Codes

All codes available for OBD1 VW code units.